When a client asks me about the stretch and sweep or when a class asks, it seems like a longer answer. as I continue in this work that I have been doing forever, it seems to be that I am compelled to be really clear about things.
In pregnancy, your closed cervix tucks up high and posterior (closer to your back). as you are closer to your birth, your hormones work to soften your cervix so that it begins to efface (shorten/thin) and to dilate, but it also makes an important position change. it moves down ready for opening over the vaginal canal.
a stretch and sweep is a choice. it is done commonly and will be offered to you in most cases lightly, but it is an intervention (just without medication). it involves . sometimes, depending on your body, your cervix is still tucked up high and hard to reach. when your cervix is reached, it is a massage of the cervix or an encouragement of the cervix to stretch open a bit. the sweep refers to sweeping your bag of waters (membranes) away from the uterine wall.
this sweep of the membranes can release a hormone called prostaglandins (if you have heard the common reference to having sex to help encourage labour, semen contains prostaglandins). the evidence(s) shows that either it does nothing, or that it won’t do anything unless your body is ready, that is takes two consecutive sweeps for it to have any effect, or that it can prolong the first stage of labour. each provider has a different belief about this and so doing your own research can be important.
the stretch and sweep can be invasive. It involves a vaginal exam that can cause spotting and cramping. and it can be very uncomfortable. it comes with a very small risk of releasing the membranes. it can trigger the initiation of contractions when the body and baby are not ready just yet. any time we introduce an intervention, it can have potential side effects that we need to consider.
a stretch and sweep is a choice + if you decide to make that choice, that is perfect. a lot of women, when faced with a medical induction will choose the sweep to bring on all the things that might have the potential of triggering labour. some birthing people choose to do this because they are ready to have a stretch and sweep. birthing people can choose it because they want to.
informed consent is the goal. know your options, make your own choices because you are a fully informed person and this is your body and baby. and you get to decide.
x Kathleen